Here you will find information regarding Midway, Food Booth, Admission Prices & Map of Fairgrounds
2024 Admission
THURSDAY, JULY 18th - Admission: FREE!!! 10:00AM TO 9:00PM
FRIDAY, JULY 19th - 9am to 4pm Free! 4pm to closing: Adults $10; 6 to 12 yrs. old $5
5 yrs. old & under free.
SATURDAY, JULY 20TH - 9am to 4pm Free for Kids! (12 yrs.old & under) Only $5 for Adults from 9am to 4pm!
4pm to closing: Adults $10; 6 to 12 yrs. old $5; 5 yrs. old & under free.
SUNDAY, JULY 21st - 11am to 1pm; Adults $5; 12 & under free!
1pm to closing: Adults $10; 6 to 12 yrs. old $5 5 yrs. old & under free.
Listowel Fairgrounds
The fairgrounds are located at
180 Tremaine Ave. S., Listowel, ON

All You Can Ride for a Day Midway Passes are now on sale for the Listowel Fair!!! Save by buying in advance!
Advance price $25 ($35 on site at the fair). Buy your pass and you choose which day you want to use it at the fair! Pass is good for one day. Passes on sale at McIntosh Farms Butcher Shop (cash only), 167 Argyle Ave N, Listowel (open Wednesday-Saturday each week).
2024 Listowel Fair Midway Hours
Thurs. July 18th, 5pm-10pm
Fri. July 19th, 5pm-10pm
Sat. July 20th, 11am-10pm
Sun. July 21st, 12pm-10pm
Limited number of passes available. Midway hours of operation subject to weather.

Food Booth
Fair Food Booth is run by the
Listowel Ag Society
From Hamburgers, French Fries and Ice Cream. Make sure to stop by the Ag Society Food Booth on Fair weekend