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LAS Directors 1903
Listowel Fair - History Book - mare & fo
Listowel Fair History Book 1968 school p
Listowel Fair - History Book - horse pul
Listowel Fair - History Book - beef
Listowel Fair - History Book - midway
Listowel Fair - History Book - 125th Ann
Listowel Fair - History Book - 125th Ann
Lisotwel Fair History Book - harness rac
Armouries picture 1960's
Lisotwel Fair History Book - parade - sc
Listowel Fair History Book 1940's roadst
Listowel Fair History Book 1940's Herefo
Listowel Fair History Book 1940's heavy
Listowel Fair History Book 1940's dairy
LAS Parade - classic car #2

Established in 1856, the Listowel Agricultural Society has created many memories within our community over the years. While the Listowel Agricultural Fair may look different today than the first ever fair, the spirit and purpose of the Listowel Fair and Agricultural Society remain the same - to promote agricultural awareness and to enhance the way of life in our community. To do this, many people have contributed to the success of this organization and its events over the years - from Ag Society directors to volunteers and all of the exhibitors, competitors, participants and spectators - everyone has had a part in creating the rich history that makes up the fabric of the Listowel Agricultural Society.


As you look through the pictures in our Memories section, we hope that you will also feel as if you are a part of the history that has been created by our organization and our community. From its beginnings with the Listowel Fair taking place on the bank of the Maitland River in the park in the town of Listowel to its current location on the east edge of Listowel, the Listowel Fair has always provided livestock and homecraft competitions in addition to various types of entertainment and a place for the community to gather. 


The Listowel Agricultural Hall, located at the Listowel Fairgrounds also has a rich history. Built in 1914 by the Ministry of National Defence on the grounds of the Listowel Agricultural Society, this building was used until the late 1960's for military training. The building was then purchased by the Listowel Agricultural Society and the name was changed to the Listowel Agricultural Hall. During training, gun carriers will brought into the building by horses for repair and maintenance, training in bunkers on the grounds took place, the military had their own hockey team and Military Balls were held in the hall. 


We hope you enjoy your visit down Memory Lane. Check back often for updated historical pictures as we receive them.

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Listowel Agricultural Society    519-291-1907


                    2021 Grant Recipient

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